Sunday, 31 July 2011

Making Things

I'm at that age where people have just started to ask "What do you do?". I hate this question. One year out of school it was "I'm on a gap year!". Two years out of school it was "I'm on a gap year!" (what number gap year is not important). I'm three years out of school now so obviously my age is showing and I can't pull the gap year card anymore. Luckily I've found what I want to do with my life but don't feel comfortable saying "i'm a fashion designer" as real fashion designers might find out and laugh at me, so I tend to tell people that I sew and make stuff and sometimes get money for it. This will without fail lead to them looking me up and down, pointing to something I'm wearing and an "Oh cool, did you make that?". No, I did not sew this Nike hoodie, nor did I cobble this pair of high tops, but I appreciate your overestimating my skills anyway.

So I've vowed to start making and wearing more of my own designs.

Recently my old school had a music evening and I wanted to have something to show when the inevitable question was asked by ex-teachers of mine. I made this little black dress and  felt good about my life:

I had no time to go fabric shopping so had to use some bizarre sparkly, satin-esque material I found in my Big Bag of Fabric and black chiffon.  I'm not a fan of glitter but I quite like how these materials work together, it kind of looks like a starry night.

1 comment:

  1. "nor did I cobble this pair of high tops". you make me larf too much!
