Sunday, 13 November 2011


When I was younger I used to tell people I was allergic to Oros 'cause I was a concentrate-juice snob, and I because thought it was cool to say I was allergic to something. Then I went for that allergy test they give you on your wrist and it turned out I was actually just allergic to my two great loves, dogs and dust.

this person has some BEAUTIFUL photographs on their page. These ones in a dusty room are so pretty. 
I did a bit of a spring clean in my room which I now deeply regret as I spent the whole of today verging on the brink of death (death by dust allergy). I feel truly horrid. If you have any great allergy remedies please let me know. At the moment I treat it with eye-scratching, nose-rubbing and feeling sorry for myself, but with not much success.

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