I got my mitts on the launch issue of Grazia South Africa
I've been really interested/excited/skeptical about it since I heard my FAV mag was coming over here. It was something I really looked forward to every Tuesday when I lived in London. I'd get off at Sloane Square Station, buy Grazia at the news agents and walk down Kings' Road feeling all posh and stuff.
…and I loved the first issue! It was a great mix of local + international brands and stories. I've always enjoyed how Grazia will shamelessly declare a £4000 Louis Vuitton bag a 'must-have' but features the odd affordable item too, and the SA copy didn't disappoint.
I didn't expect Grazia SA to have such a huge Goodie Bag competition on the back page but yay they do :)
look at this lovely coat! Katherine Mortner R1200
I'm happy to have such a great magazine to look forward to every week! I left my copy in the lounge and it's been well-read by all my housemates (and their boyfriends) too :)
p.s. did ya notice my sparkly nails? Sure you did, here's how I got them so fab-u-lous
1 undercoat of a colour + a few coats of glitter polish (one coat looks to sparse for my liking)
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