Friday, 3 August 2012

List: 10 Things Inspiring Me Today

being bed-bound with terrible flu + lying awake the past few nights, my head filled with that overwhelming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE" voice has left me feeling truly uninspired and unmotivated.

So I looked around and forced myself to find some inspiration, and making a list of all the things that have been exciting me lately actually made me feel a whole lot better


yellow roses

Getting roses from your official best-friend-with-benefits to celebrate 5 years, that feels nice.


dolce & gabbana tapestry

I stuck this page up in front of my sewing station 'cause oh WOW I love this suit/dress/jacket thing. I want to say it's Dolce & Gabbana but I can't find it online :( The tapestry is just beautiful, but my favourite part is the little bulldog peeking out under her arm!


hair bow

BOWS! In your hair or made out of your hair (!!!), I want all of these things.


If you haven't watched this video yet, c'mon!
I couldn't help but get insanely caught up in Chad Le Clos's race the other day, I yelled at a TV! What am I like.


camille lacourt

I LOVE fan art especially this pastel (?) masterpiece of Olympic BABE French swimmer Camille Lacourt .


What? Did you think I was done talking about Camille? Um, did you see those eyes? 
I've linked him into the next item that is currently giving me joy in life: Photoshop Content!
I've been limiting myself to boring old "Lens Flare" and "Torn Edges" filters, little did I know those gems of the editing world are just the tip of the iceberg. There are fun frames a plenty, my friend. If only I'd known about these back in high school, my PowerPoints would've had so much more pizzaz (if that's even possible).


I've always written-off Dressage as it looks like a ridiculous joke. I tried to give it a chance this year but then saw this lady who had called her horse CLIVE and I gave up. One of the least horse-y names I could possibly think of. I bet she has a dog called Anthony and a cat called Nicholas, too.


apple pie fabric

pop tart fabric

The fabrics I've been working with this week make my mouth water. 


This made me giggle. Thanks, 9gag.


roald dahl the twits quote

-The Twits

have a very lovely weekend ♥


  1. Gorgeous bows! I love 'em too. You can get some of those in your pic at I have a pink and white one that im obsessed with

  2. Love love love the bows!! That's how I found your blog originally, but mhmmm. I love swimmers (always been a Phelps fan), but Lacourt is GORGEOUS!! Your blog is great! Hope you feel better soon!
