"On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me…two turtle doves..."
I like poems. Here is a sweet + simple + relevant one:
The Turtledoves by Aileen Fisher
Other poems I like but are not relevant are the two Charles Bukowski wrote for his lady, Jane, after her death.
"225 days under grass
and you know more than I.
they have long taken your blood,
you are a dry stick in a basket"
"and I pick
up her lovely
all her loveliness gone"
How terribly sad. I love these parts. I didn't want to copy-paste the whole poems for fear of making this blog too my-private-journal-circa-2007 but you can read the full poems here.
p.s. did you know that whole lovebirds-can't-survive-without-their-mate-omg-how-cute-and-romantic-is-that thing is a LIE. They're totally capable of living alone.