What you should be watching
by Andie 'Ronge' Reeves

Just a few reasons to watch Derek:
〮Ricky Gervais
This show is Ricky at his best. He's sometimes criticised for playing characters that are too similar to each other but, aside from a few very Brent-esque glances at the camera, Derek is unique. If you've watched his stand-up you'll recognise the Derek look of hunched-up shoulders and the jutting jaw
"And yes, my jaw aches and I get a stiff neck from being hunched up all the time when I'm playing Derek. I suffer for my art, and now I want you to suffer for it too"
Even before the show had aired people were up in arms at the idea of Ricky Gervais playing a mentally handicapped person. Here's what he had to say about him:
"Derek is a fictional character and is defined by his creator. Me. If I say I don't mean him to be disabled then that’s it. A fictional doctor can't come along and prove me wrong.
He's different. But then so are a lot of people. He's not the smartest tool in the box but he's cleverer than Father Dougal, and not as different as Mr. Bean. He's based on those people you meet who are on the margins of society. Nerds, loners, under achievers"
I think it's been really well done. Derek is not the butt of the jokes because of his handicap and he is not being poked fun at. He is so sweet, endearing and believable and if you're not a crying mess by the end of the pilot I worry for your lack of soul.
The Office had that lovely song Handbags and Gladrags, and who could forget the haunting tune of 'When The Whistle Blows' from Extras? 'Derek' is full of Satie and ends of with this beauty of a piece. It also features the Youtube clip Hamster on a Piano which I guarantee will be stuck in your head forevermore. You're welcome!
〮Karl Pilkington
Karl makes his acting debut as Derek's best friend Dougie, the caretaker of the old-age home. He is basically playing himself so if you're a fan of him from The Ricky Gervais Show or An Idiot Abroad you'll love him in this.
I don't know when the next episode will be airing but in the meantime get your hands on the pilot if you're in the mood for a good laugh/a little cry/watching a hamster on a piano, eating popcorn on a piano!
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