Sunday 3 June 2012

D.I.Y. Sunday ♡ : lippy tights

I loved this girl's tights (spotted at Sydney Fashion Week) so made some myself

you will need:
-a pair of good quality tights (I used ballet tights 'cause I wanted pale pink)
-tailor's chalk is preferable but if you don't have that just sharpen a normal piece of chalk with a knife or whatever
-fabric paint
-a nice paint brush (thin-ish)
-a stencil

Here's the stencil I made, please feel free to print + cut it out. I think this would look lovely with other stencils too though, like a bow or a heart or a cat's face or a diamond, anything really!

pop the tights on and draw around the stencil as best you can with the chalk. I use chalk 'cause it washes off fabric, and I don't trust pencils. Alternatively you could use a fabric pen in the colour of your fabric paint. It's fairly tricky to draw around the un-bendy paper so take it slow.

take off the tights and stretch them over something like an old pillow or a piece of cardboard. Try stretch it out 'til the lips are about the same size as the original cut-out stencil. Now get painting! 
I did one layer, let it dry a bit then did a second to neaten up the edges. All in all it took about the duration of watching a film ('The Runaways' to be precise) + some impatient drying with a hairdryer and they were good to go

make your knees kiss, oo-er!


  1. andie! this is so nifty!
    why have i only succumbed to your uber-cool-ness now!
