Tuesday, 3 July 2012

kitty kat

If I was to ever be a 'hat person' I'd start with this kitty cat hat by Maison Michel.

I think it's interesting and quite funny when you begin to realise the things you inherently hate or love, all based on what your parents like. The comments they make around your young, sponge-y brain can have a huge impact on your personality and tastes. I think it's the things you can't really explain, the irrational love/hate you form simply from their opinions. Like in Pre-School when Barney was all the rage and I wanted to get in on the action too (OBVIOUSLY) but they told me Barney was 'stupid' and I just accepted it. I didn't like Barney now, no questions asked, for Mom & Dad knew everything. 

I've always hated Jamiroquai and hats. I've never been able to take a fellow in a fedora seriously and cowboy hats make me cringe. Jamiroquai were pretty popular while I was growing up and every time one of his music videos came on our TV it was ripped apart: "look at his stupid hat" / "hats are revolting" / 'look how revolting that stupid man looks in that stupid hat"

Now that I'm older and able to decide what I like all by myself, I'm working on over-coming these hereditary negative feelings. Sometimes I'll have 'Love Foolosophy' stuck in my head all day and find myself not too bothered, possibly even enjoying it. I once caught an episode of Cribs featuring Jay Kay ("what a revolting name") and learnt  that hat-wearers have hearts too. I'm also beginning to see the good in hats (like this cat one) and have even been known to wear the occasional beret. 

But not a trilby. Never a trilby.

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