Sunday, 1 July 2012

DIY Sunday ♡ : Vanilla Fudge

OK, maybe more of a recipe than a DIY but I felt like making fudge and I'm trying to be consistent with this whole DIY thang.
Fudge is one of my favourite sweet treats. It is INSANELY sweet (always a positive), really easy to make, and makes a great gift. People love fudge I'm telling you. You're welcome!
Me and my besties used to make tons of this stuff, dress up weird (pyjamas and lots of plaits!! we-ird!) and walk 'round her neighbourhood selling it to her poor neighbours. Ah, to be 16 again am I right? JOKES. We were younger. Probably. Hopefully.

I haven't made fudge in years but today I did and I'll share this super easy recipe with you. I have Google-d recipes before but it is near impossible to find anything without nuts or peanut butter or chocolate chips. NO. I want plain and simple vanilla fudge, and so do you, here we go!

-125g butter
-500g castor sugar
-1 tin of condensed milk
-a little bit of vanilla essence

STEP 1: Chuck all ingredients except the vanilla essence in a microwaveable bowl

STEP 2: Pop bowl in the microwave and set microwave for about 12 minutes (cooking time ranges from 12 to 15 minutes)

STEP 3: You need to watch the bowl in the microwave for the whole 12 minutes. The minute you look away/blink it will begin to rise up and try to overflow and cover your microwave floor in a hot sticky mess, like this

naughty overflowing ingredients
When it does this take out the bowl (with a cloth, it's hot!) and give it a stir. The longer it cooks for the more often you have to do this, it gets tiring but stick it out, this fudge is worth it.

STEP 4: After about 12 minutes it should start thickening and browning. I did mine a bit too long, it shouldn't go this dark but it turned out fine so don't you stress.

STEP 5: Now add a bit of vanilla essence and stir it in.

STEP 6: Pour into a tray (don't forget to grease the pan) and pat down. Leave to set for an hour or so then cut into squares and you're done !


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