Sunday 16 September 2012

d.i.y. sunday ♡ : ice cream !

WOW how hot was it today? I think the whole of Cape Town was celebrating the return of summer. I didn't have the guts to venture outside and found myself, for the first time in months, grateful for my freezing cold room.

I was in the mood for making something delicious and refreshing…ICE CREAM! I've always thought it was totally impossible if you didn't have an ice-cream machine but I was wrong; there are so many alternatives out there. I found this surely-too-good-to-be-true recipe which suited me perfectly as it required only 3 ingredients which I already had at home and resulted in a delicious banana/peanut butter flavour which is my favourite combo, yay!

- 4 ripe bananas
- 2 tablespoons of smooth peanut butter
- 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder

Cut up the bananas into discs

Place the discs in a bowl and into the freezer. Once they are frozen solid (i.e. hard and not squishy) they are ready for the next step. 

The original recipe said this would take an hour but if you have a cheap fridge like me then it could take up to 4 hours..! Truth be told I didn't leave my first batch in the freezer for long enough as I got too impatient and it still came out perfect so don't worry too much : )

Throw your discs into a food processor and get mixing. You'll have to stop and scrape the sides quite often, and at first it'll seem as though it's never going to go all soft and creamy, but persevere! When it's done it should look something like this

Add the peanut butter and cocoa and mix again. Now it should have the texture of frozen yoghurt which suits me just fine but if you want it more ice-cream-y then pop it back in the freezer for a bit. Once you take it out again to eat let it sit and soften for a few minutes before scooping.

Vegan ice cream made from bananas, peanut butter and cocoa powder

…and you're done!

Next time I'm going to try substituting peanut butter with raspberries…How lovely would that be?

Vegan ice cream made from bananas, peanut butter and cocoa powder

1 comment:

  1. i think a certain vegan would love this. i do. xxxx
